3 Android N Features That Google didn’t Announce

Prior to few weeks of regular launch, Google has already launched their next version of Android called Android N. Although, the name is still not decided but it seems it will be Android Nutella. However, this is still a rumor as the name is not officially decided yet. However, Google has posted a blog post where it featured some important features what are new in Android N. If you have read this post but didn’t install Android N Developer Preview until now, here are some more features, what you might like as well.

3 Android N Features That Google didn’t Announce

These features are not announced officially but you can find them on the Developer Preview. These are equally awesome features included by Google in Android N.
Android N

Call Blocker

Google is going to ruin some small developers, who have developed call blocker app for Android as they have officially included an in-built call blocker in Android N Developer Preview. Although, it is probably the most awaited feature of Android, what people had been looking for, but Google didn’t include that in Android Marshmallow. Finally, you can find a native call blocker in Android N. Obviously, this will block calls as well as SMS. The most important thing is all the settings will be saved to your Google account. Therefore, if you reset your device and re-sign with your same Google account, you can get them at once. Once you block someone, he/she cannot send you any text or call you frequently. This is really very helpful who often get calls from spammers, website bots etc.

Dark Theme/Night Mode

This is another awaited feature of Android N that this really beautiful during low light area. Android already has low light settings (brightness changer) but sometime it feels awkward when you are going through a dark sight. Sometime, you just need a complete dark theme instead of brightness changer. Such feature was not available on Android Marshmallow or previous versions. However, now you can get a Night Mode on Android N. BY changing the core theme of Android N device, you would be able to get rid of eyestrain if you use your mobile a lot in low light area.

Double Tap on Recent Button to Switch Last Used App

This is another awesome feature of Android N that will let you switch to a different app faster and in an easier way. Previously on Android Marshmallow and older version, if you click on the “Recent” button, all the recently used apps will come out. Then, you can browse them and open any app that is in the list. However, now it has become a lot easier to switch from current app to last used app. You will just have tap twice on the RECENT button to get things done. It works like a chain. That means, suppose, you have opened Google Maps >> Google Keep >> Google Chrome >> Photos and now you are on Photos. Therefore, if you double tap on the Recent button, you will be switched to Google Chrome. After that, you will be switched to Google Keep and so on.